It is a known that in b2evolution 7.2.2 / 7.2.3 Backoffice/Dashboard the (visual) canvas charts are missing and a blank space is all is shown: B2evolution 7.2.2/3 Canvas charts bug
Notwithstanding, that element displays appropriately in b2evolution 7.1.7; thus, one way to go around the issue of the topic is to recycle
b2evolution-7.1.7/inc/_ext/_canvascharts.php to overwrite b2evolution-7.2.2/inc/_ext/_canvascharts.php OR b2evolution-7.2.3/inc/_ext/_canvascharts.php
Subsequently, reload the Dashboard page: b2evolution 7.2.3 with b2evolution 7.1.7 _canvascharts.php
That worked for me. Will sit down one day to diff the two files and see why it's broken in the latest versions. But until now I get the charts back again.
Well done!
That worked for me. Will sit down one day to diff the two files and see why it's broken in the latest versions. But until now I get the charts back again.