2 amoun Apr 30, 2013 01:37

I'm not using a custom posts.main.php. It's calling to item.block.php, which has the shorter code you posted. I can send you the files if that would help.
Hi have a look at this http://rogerlovejoy.net/blog/b2evo.php/hide-feedback-for-non-members
I made a little hack so that the comments don't show if a) the userID is set and b) if the user level is greater than 1
i.e I have viewers who can't comment as they are level1
You can use the if(isset($current_User)){
which means the user has to be member of the blog. Of course you can set all or any user to be members
EDIT I probably ought to do the same to [page.main.php] to hide comment form from non registered users below level 2
Line numbers on my site are relative not absolute
Well if it doesn't happen with a default skin then yes it's something you've done. You should be able to remove them. The 'index page' is [posts.main.php[. In it you should have the following code which provides a link:
If you have the following code you will have the box. Such code should only be in [page.main.php] and [single.main.php]
The following is from single.main.php
Line numbers may not be exactly the same