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1 Oct 07, 2013 23:27    

Hi all

Is it possible to set or how to do it, so only standard blog and photoblog are avaible

in admin.php?ctrl=collections&action=new

while creating new blog?


2 Oct 08, 2013 11:44

Hi @jardel,

I encourage you not to do that if is not strictly necessary, the collection kinds shown here: admin.php?ctrl=collections&action=new are hard coded and the only way to disable them is hacking the b2evolution code.

Please, follow this instructions only if you are sure about what are you doing

1) Go to /blogs/inc/collections/model/_blog.funcs.php
2) Locate the function get_collection_kinds
3) Comment the array positions that corresponds with the kinds that you want to hide. In your case, the result could be something like this:

$kinds = array(
	'std' => array(
			'name' => T_('Standard blog'),
			'desc' => T_('A standard blog with the most common features.'),
	'photo' => array(
			'name' => T_('Photoblog'),
			'desc' => T_('A blog optimized to publishing photos.'),
	/*'group' => array(
			'name' => T_('Group blog'),
			'desc' => T_('A blog optimized for team/collaborative editing. Posts can be assigned to different reviewers
                        before being published. Look for the workflow properties at the bottom of the post editing form.'),
	'forum' => array(
			'name' => T_('Forum'),
			'desc' => T_('A collection optimized to be used as a forum. (This should be used with a forums skin)'),
	'manual' => array(
			'name' => T_('Manual'),
			'desc' => T_('A collection optimized to be used as an online manual, book or guide. 
                        (This should be used with a manual skin)'),

Please consider that this will only hide the commented collection kinds but they are not disabled at all, if you go to this url: admin.php?ctrl=collections&action=new-selskin&kind=manual, you will be able to create a manual collection, no matter if is hidden or not.

3 Oct 08, 2013 18:39

Hi mqsolipa

Ok understood

I have next problem: b2e doesn't accept polish letters : รณ,ł,ż etc.. and I'm setting in MySQL latin1_swedish_ci and nothing :(

Additional information about this error:

MySQL error!

Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'like'(Errno=1267)

Your query: Check URL against antispam blacklist

SELECT aspm_string

FROM evo_antispam

WHERE 'Regulaminł' LIKE CONCAT("%",aspm_string,"%")

LIMIT 0, 1

Thx for Help

5 Oct 16, 2013 20:11


I write in polish so that polish know how to repair it.

PL : Najlepiej mieć innego phpmyadmin ustawioną na utf8_general_ci i przerzucić na nią bazę z latin1_swedish_ci. Zapisać i przesłać na obecną i problme automatycznie znika :)

6 Oct 17, 2013 21:01

@jardel wrote earlier:


I write in polish so that polish know how to repair it.

PL : Najlepiej miec innego phpmyadmin ustawione na utf8_general_ci i przerzucic na niego baze z latin1_swedish_ci. Zapisac i przesrzucic na obecna i problem automatycznie znika :)

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