2 fplanque Oct 07, 2016 12:37

Thanks for the reply.. the normal users received a blog however, cant post.. is there a way for this to configure? @fplanque
I've turned on the "restricted backoffice access, which i assume is the only way for normal users to post in blog. see images.
However, while doing that it turn on the admin tab on user profile - which i dont want (see image) and also at the bottom is a link to my hosting directory - is this a bug? (see image)
The admin tab on the user profile is only visible to admins. It is not visible to normal users (unless you gave them permission to see those details for all users)
The bug is because your PHP version is below 5.5. This should be fixed in b2evo 6.7.8. In the meantime, here is the fix:
Thank you :-) how do i go about removing the admin tab?
Don't log in as admin and you don't see the admin tab.
the login is for a normal user
Please post a screenshot of this page for your "Normal Users" group: http://b2evolution.net/man/back-office-reference/users/user-groups/editing-user-groups/
Hello after going through the information I received, I think I asked the wrong question. I am creating a website with one blog and I need registered users to post to the blog I created . The registered user should be configured automatically from login
Registered users go in to the Normal Users group by default when they register.
So based on your new request:
Making sense?
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This should be easy as pie.
Just edit the "Normal Users" Group and check the box "New Users automatically get a new blog" here: