2 mgsolipa May 30, 2015 12:53

OK - Thanks
I'm looking forward to that.
Could you also please answer my question? I had not any installation that would exceed a small number of blogs. It would be rather embarrassing to later find out its going to be a 'nightmare' to select a blog in the backoffice for setup or maintenance.
@zebulon there are no limits on the number of collections to use in a site. In terms of maintenance, you may start the navigation with selecting the desired collection from the Site collection list (http://b2evolution.net/man/site-collection-list), which is an ordenable and paginated table, so it would be easier to find what you need.
Maybe if you keep a lot of collections as Favorite, the "Blogs tab" (Collections selector - http://imgur.com/Hzkq63m), will appear misplaced. In the other hand, if there are many "non-favorite" collections, they will be displayed in the selector as a drop-down list that could be a bit unconfortable (http://imgur.com/X361PV2).
There is (was) an excellent plugin that does exactly that actually:
Blog settings duplicator: http://forums.b2evolution.net/topic-21895
It was aimed for 4.x but there's a good chance it'll work on 5.x.
This feature will be included in the core in the next 6.7.1 release.
@zebulon there is already a planned feature to do exactly what you're requesting. I'm not sure, but I guess we can get into this development as soon as we have a standard release of version 6.