2 mgsolipa 25 Aug 2015 23:08

ok, let me put it this way: do we have a single user right now who cannot identify *self with Male or Female (or unspecified -- which is also an option) ? Because the list of feature requests that would benefit 1+ current users is pretty long already... :p
the list of feature requests that would benefit 1+ current users is pretty long already... :p
I am not actually that user, but things don't seem quite as settled as perhaps they once were...
I've just been reading the release notes for the 6.7.1 beta - I guess this one got in after all.
@chris_of_arabia the gender info is saved into the
field which is defined as CHAR(1), and there are no restrictictions at database level for the possible values. Limitations are stablished in the code, so the only valid values that you can send through the interface (back and front-office) are "M" and "F".As an idea, Facebook let users stablish a third gender: "Custom". After selecting that option, a text field is enabled and I think they are able to type in any value: i.e.: Vulcanian :D