1 amoun Aug 20, 2015 14:58
3 amoun 21 Aug 2015 12:38
I imagine the (pagebreaks) code needs adding to, so that it includes a number as an ID so that an href can goto it; that's if href's can work in the back office and I don't see why as it is in a browser. So if I'm viewing a particular page then that number will do it.
4 mgsolipa 22 Aug 2015 12:15
@amoun I already sent a user request regarding this feature, but just to be clear (I got a bit confussed with your second comment), please check the screenshot below in which the main use case is illustarted as following:
- At the Front-Office, in a multipage post, user is reading page N.
- User clicks on the Edit button in order to go to the Back-Office post's edition form.
- The post content textarea automatically scroll down to the current page.
If this is what's in your mind, it's technically not that easy to be implemented. If not, a mockup would be really useful.
5 amoun 24 Aug 2015 00:50
Yes that's the idea but I have thought of some problems relating to using the href name attribute.
I used to be able to use it after a post name but lately I can't get my posts to have a file ending so I can't add #name_is_this_section, maybe it's just poor use of the url options.
But I thought that no matter what scripting is behind the page, once it is displayed in a browser it would be possible to scroll to any href name and if the href name is inside a script and therefore not accessible then in the script exit to echo or doc_print do the href tag and then re-enter the script.
Thanks for continuing with this idea.
6 amoun 26 Aug 2015 14:58
I'm thinking that the (pagebreak)s can be given a number and they can be found by the Firefox through it's Menu > Edit > Find.
Although it won't do the scrolling it will highlight the specific (pagebreak) when scrolling rather than having to scan the whole text looking for them and then ensuring I have right one by reading the adjacent text.
7 fplanque 26 Aug 2015 23:06
My 2 cents: rather than scrolling, would it make sense to be able to edit just a single page (or even a single section) of a post, instead of editing the whole thing at once?
(the idea is that by editing a smaller portion, there is less to scroll)
8 amoun 29 Aug 2015 16:58
Yes editing a single page or section would be a great help,
@amoun I perfectly understand the problem. I thought in a sort of buttons set above the textarea, showing the numbers of the pages to let you click on them and scroll to the desired page. Your proposal sounds good as well.
The tricky thing with this feature is the "scrolling" part which seems to be complex.
I will send the request to the developers to see what they think about it.