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1 Dec 03, 2014 23:57    

Hello people and @mgsolipa!

My domain was and now is:

I changed the domain .com my blog to and some things in the blog are presenting error.

My version is old I know. 3.3.3 and the skin Mystique.

The first is the photo from the top, the menu is over it covering half.

Another are the smilies, it pulls the path of the old domain (which is not mine).

Nothing was changed was only the exchange of domain made.

I changed the base url.

What can I do?

An upgrade to the new system or upgrade the skin?

Thank you!

2 Dec 09, 2014 08:06

Well, that space at the top of the page in the Mystique skin is supposed to be there to display the site's title and taglaine. If you want to modify it, you need to go to the file skins/mystique/style.css, look for the line displayed below and change the padding-top and padding-bottom applied to that container.

#site-title{padding:4em 0 3em 0; position:relative}

Regarding the smilies, what do yo mean with this?

it pulls the path of the old domain

What do you do to get the old domain?

3 Jan 27, 2015 22:50


I moved in style.css with you suggested me, and after breaking his head and try on several classes, found in # site-title p.headline the padding and modified it.

I do not know why the rose Menu, but already configured.

I appreciate your help!

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