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1 Jan 02, 2018 12:17    

In widget containers the user can add link widget, votes, content ect...

why not just add a feedback widget feedback_link( 'type' => 'comments' || 'type' => 'trackbacks') that the end user can add to the containers in a similar way?


and since we have Item Single and Item Page containers, why not add a Item List containers for disp=posts

Like so:


		case 'posts':
			<div class="evo_container evo_container__item_single">
			// ------------------------- "Item Single" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
			// Display container contents:
			skin_container( /* TRANS: Widget container name */ NT_('Item List'), array(
				'widget_context' => 'item',	// Signal that we are displaying within an Item
				// The following (optional) params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				// This will enclose each widget in a block:
				'block_start' => '<div class="evo_widget $wi_class$">',
				'block_end' => '</div>',
				// This will enclose the title of each widget:
				'block_title_start' => '<h3>',
				'block_title_end' => '</h3>',
				// Template params for "Item Link" widget
				'widget_item_link_before'    => '<p class="evo_post_link">',
				'widget_item_link_after'     => '</p>',
				// Template params for "Item Tags" widget
				'widget_item_tags_before'    => '<nav class="small post_tags">',
				'widget_item_tags_after'     => '</nav>',
				// Params for skin file ""
				'widget_item_content_params' => $params,
				// Template params for "Item Attachments" widget:
				'widget_item_attachments_params' => array(
						'limit_attach'       => 1000,
						'before'             => '<div class="evo_post_attachments"><h3>'.T_('Attachments').':</h3><ul class="evo_files">',
						'after'              => '</ul></div>',
						'before_attach'      => '<li class="evo_file">',
						'after_attach'       => '</li>',
						'before_attach_size' => ' <span class="evo_file_size">(',
						'after_attach_size'  => ')</span>',
			) );
			// ----------------------------- END OF "Item Single" CONTAINER -----------------------------
		case 'single':
			<div class="evo_container evo_container__item_single">
			// ------------------------- "Item Single" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
			// Display container contents:
			skin_container( /* TRANS: Widget container name */ NT_('Item Single'), array(
				'widget_context' => 'item',	// Signal that we are displaying within an Item
				// The following (optional) params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				// This will enclose each widget in a block:
				'block_start' => '<div class="evo_widget $wi_class$">',
				'block_end' => '</div>',
				// This will enclose the title of each widget:
				'block_title_start' => '<h3>',
				'block_title_end' => '</h3>',
				// Template params for "Item Link" widget
				'widget_item_link_before'    => '<p class="evo_post_link">',
				'widget_item_link_after'     => '</p>',
				// Template params for "Item Tags" widget
				'widget_item_tags_before'    => '<nav class="small post_tags">',
				'widget_item_tags_after'     => '</nav>',
				// Params for skin file ""
				'widget_item_content_params' => $params,
				// Template params for "Item Attachments" widget:
				'widget_item_attachments_params' => array(
						'limit_attach'       => 1000,
						'before'             => '<div class="evo_post_attachments"><h3>'.T_('Attachments').':</h3><ul class="evo_files">',
						'after'              => '</ul></div>',
						'before_attach'      => '<li class="evo_file">',
						'after_attach'       => '</li>',
						'before_attach_size' => ' <span class="evo_file_size">(',
						'after_attach_size'  => ')</span>',
			) );
			// ----------------------------- END OF "Item Single" CONTAINER -----------------------------
		case 'page':
		<div class="evo_container evo_container__item_page">
		// ------------------------- "Item Page" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container contents:
		skin_container( /* TRANS: Widget container name */ NT_('Item Page'), array(
			'widget_context' => 'item',	// Signal that we are displaying within an Item
			// The following (optional) params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
			// This will enclose each widget in a block:
			'block_start' => '<div class="evo_widget $wi_class$">',
			'block_end' => '</div>',
			// This will enclose the title of each widget:
			'block_title_start' => '<h3>',
			'block_title_end' => '</h3>',
			// Template params for "Item Link" widget
			'widget_item_link_before'    => '<p class="evo_post_link">',
			'widget_item_link_after'     => '</p>',
			// Template params for "Item Tags" widget
			'widget_item_tags_before'    => '<nav class="small post_tags">'.T_('Tags').': ',
			'widget_item_tags_after'     => '</nav>',
			// Params for skin file ""
			'widget_item_content_params' => $params,
			// Template params for "Item Attachments" widget:
			'widget_item_attachments_params' => array(
					'limit_attach'       => 1000,
					'before'             => '<div class="evo_post_attachments"><h3>'.T_('Attachments').':</h3><ul class="evo_files">',
					'after'              => '</ul></div>',
					'before_attach'      => '<li class="evo_file">',
					'after_attach'       => '</li>',
					'before_attach_size' => ' <span class="evo_file_size">(',
					'after_attach_size'  => ')</span>',
		) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF "Item Page" CONTAINER -----------------------------
	// this will create a <section>
		// ---------------------- POST CONTENT INCLUDED HERE ----------------------
		skin_include( '', $params );
		// Note: You can customize the default item content by copying the generic
		// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
		// -------------------------- END OF POST CONTENT -------------------------
	// this will end a </section>



2 Jan 02, 2018 16:38

These are things we are implementing in b2evo v7 but we are aimed at an even finer granularity.

The end goal is that everything is displayed by a widget.

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