1 kkovachki Oct 16, 2017 14:45
3 ingeniero Jul 02, 2018 10:35
I get the same error messaGE from http://spanien-umzug.com/htsrv/message_send.php
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Zusätzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler:
MySQL error!
Field 'thrd_title' doesn't have a default value(Errno=1364)
Your query: DataObject::dbinsert()
INSERT INTO evo_messaging__thread (thrd_datemodified)
VALUES ('2018-07-02 10:31:13')
4 yurabakhtin Oct 23, 2018 18:20
Hello @kkovachki, sorry for the bug, we fixed this in commit https://github.com/b2evolution/b2evolution/commit/c3faf1bb1b21637e666e4a1c61797be44a7c54ce. It seems you have such bug because post title is disabled for your item/post type, but it was a bug indeed, so thank you for the report.
5 yurabakhtin Oct 23, 2018 19:46
Hello @ingeniero, I couldn't reproduce your bug, can you please provide us more details like screenshot or working url how you get the error? because the url from your comment is broken and I see only 404 page there, thanks.
@kkovachki can you send us a sample of that kind of text that produces an error?
Also, what renderer plugins are you using? Try disabling all of them and posting again. If no errors, then one of the renderers may be causing the problem.