It is possible to select files in back office (admin.php?ctrl=files) and the user then has a few options... one of them is to download the selected files as a ZIP file. This means that all the files will be zipped (compressed) and downloaded..
here is my question/request:
File Size for Uploads are restricted:
*Maximum upload filesize:
KB. This cannot be higher than your PHP/Webserver setting (PHP: 128M/328M (upload_max_filesize/post_max_size)) and the limit of $upload_maxmaxkb (in /conf/_advanced.php), which is currently 32000 KB!
Could the Dev team please, please add the function/ability to create a zip file from the selected files and leave it on the server?
I would like to make it possible for my clients to download their images (from a photography session) directly from my site.
the problem is if I compress it and upload the zip archive it would be too big, and won't upload, however, I can upload all the images, but then I can't zip them on the server from my site.
Can this be done? Maybe it is already possible?
If this feature does not exist yet, creating it would be cool, with a "Delete selected Files on success" option.
ps, perhaps this post should be moved to Dev requests..
Does the above fit the bill?