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1 Dec 27, 2012 06:09    

My web page has been inactive for over 2 years, and I want to update it, including my blog. My problem is, I cannot get my password because I cannot remember what I named my blog! (Duh!!!) My site is but when I try to get to it, I am prompted for a password. To get the password, I have to know what I told b2evolution the name of my blog is - ??? - I've tried towblog, tow_blog, towriter_blog, towriterblog, etc.

My email address is

I am quite prepared to upgrade my version of b2evolution, but first, I need to get to my site. Is there any way you can identify the name I supplied when I first installed b2evolution on Thank you!

3 Dec 29, 2012 16:26

Only if i could understand what you keep referring to as "YOUR_BLOG".What did you forget exactly (admin username, blog path, ftp username etc. etc. ) ?

@jbmoss wrote:

Let's pretend I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. I don't. Where do I look for 'phpMyAdmin'?

I am able to look at the Blog directory in but beyond that, I'm stuck. The problem is, I don't know what I called 'YOUR_BLOG' so am unable to look at anything at all. I might be able to GUESS the password I used (I have a pretty good idea as to what that is) but I cannot remember nor have I documented (anywhere that I have found) the actual name of my blog.

How would I invoke 'phpMyAdmin'? Doesn't the suggestion posted by sam2kb presume I know how to get to 'YOUR_BLOG'? I guess I feel like an idiot, but it has been 6 months since I updated my blog. I have migrated across two new PCs, and somewhere along the way inadvertently dropped the password (and Blog name) that I used when I set this up.

I know that the email address I used was and I was hoping that somehow this would be a validation tool to support my being the author and owner of the blog. I just need to know what I named the blog - and I'm stuck at this point.

Thank you for your reply.

4 Dec 29, 2012 19:58

Okay - I go to the login page ( and must remember my login name. ??? This is not my email address, not my URL, not anything I can remember - my mind has gone blank! I THOUGHT the Login was towriter_blog but I get no email acknowledging my entry, and I have guessed at all the possibilities I can think of - to no avail.

Is this (login) the admin username? It simply defies me to guess what goes in this entry location! Incidentally, regarding the reference to 'YOUR_BLOG': I got this from sam2kb's response in the link you posted me to, in your first message.


Let me restate the problem:
I have forgotten my login. When I go to the Login Form ( I have simply forgotten what that entry should be! I am prompted for a login and password, I THINK I know the password, but every combination I enter for Login and password results in "Wrong login/password. " Then, when I click on 'Lost password?' I have the chance to send THAT login attempt and receive an email to my registered email address. The problem is, I have tried every combination I can think of related to what I might have used as my login.

Where can I look for an answer to this? I have the Blog directory available to me, ( I can browse (and edit) any of the files related to my blog; might one of these have my login embedded? There MUST be a way to figure this out, but I don't have a clue what the login might be - except that it isn't my email address, according to the instructions on the Login Form.

5 Dec 31, 2012 03:08

so you forgot your admin user name.So you have to go to phpmyadmin and look for the name there.
If you dont have phpmyadmin or dont know how to access it, you can use phpminiadmin ( to access to the DB (assuming you have FTP access).

7 Dec 31, 2012 04:10

@tilqicom wrote:

so you forgot your admin user name.So you have to go to phpmyadmin and look for the name there.
If you dont have phpmyadmin or dont know how to access it, you can use phpminiadmin ( to access to the DB (assuming you have FTP access).

I am grateful for your help! I was able to figure out how to use phpminiadmin to get to my SQL database, from whence I found my username and password. Once I saw the username I was dumbfounded - I would never have guessed it, but that's prpbably why I used it! I'll make a note of both the username and password, as well as a reference to your very helpful information.

I cannot thank you enough! Your time, energy and insights are much appreciated!

8 Dec 31, 2012 06:00

Glad you solved it.I forgot to mention you can get your database username and password from your config.php file from ftp

@jbmoss wrote:

@tilqicom wrote:

so you forgot your admin user name.So you have to go to phpmyadmin and look for the name there.
If you dont have phpmyadmin or dont know how to access it, you can use phpminiadmin ( to access to the DB (assuming you have FTP access).

I am grateful for your help! I was able to figure out how to use phpminiadmin to get to my SQL database, from whence I found my username and password. Once I saw the username I was dumbfounded - I would never have guessed it, but that's prpbably why I used it! I'll make a note of both the username and password, as well as a reference to your very helpful information.

I cannot thank you enough! Your time, energy and insights are much appreciated!

9 Dec 31, 2012 13:07

@tilqicom wrote:

Glad you solved it.I forgot to mention you can get your database username and password from your config.php file from ftp

Hmmm - I looked there first, but perhaps I didn't see the obvious. Embedded in the comments and php code symbolics, how could I have recognized it? (I looked in that file, in the folder /blog/conf/config.php) Anyway, I'm thankful for the solution you provided. I am, as they say, a 'Happy Camper'!

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