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1 Jul 11, 2014 08:51    

How Can I see how many visit visited my site?the traffic?

Where will I see hit?

Global hit?In Global hit it shows

RSS/Atom- 16
Standard/Robot- 84
Standard/Browsers- 120
Other- 17
Total- 237

So how many traffic I had?
What is Standard/ROBO and browser?Did it count my views/visits too?

2 Jul 12, 2014 06:54

If you've installed b2evolution and found the analytics section in the backend - as suggested by the above stats - then you've already discovered how many people visited your site.

"Total- 237". You've had 237 visitors.

Standard/robo (robot) are things like search engines and things. Standard/browsers would be real humans visiting. I believe b2evolution does count your visits, yes.

I find that b2evo stats aren't all that comprehensive: you can always install code for Google Analytics or any other stat-counting website of choice.

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