2 mgsolipa Oct 11, 2014 12:09

i use a b2evolution 4.1.7 with Mystique skin
Hi @denis012,
Those tabs are dispalyed in the skins/_profile.disp.php
file. It's a template file described here: http://b2evolution.net/man/templates. The "good way" to do this is by overriding that template with a new file in your own skin, in this case the new file should be named skins/mystique/profile.main.php
. I know that there is some documentation in the manual, but I can't find it at this moment. In this page you'll find a sample of how that file should be: https://gist.github.com/mgsolipa/36220a37082b78ef89ce, just save it in the location mentioned before and test it.
Hi @denis012,
Could you please tell us what version of b2evolution and also what skin are you using?