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1 Jun 07, 2015 08:43    

Hi there

Could someone please help with an error on my blog? I have not changed anything at all. This happened over night I think.

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /[...]/skins/chileno/_skin.class.php on line 123

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: No longer available in /[...]/skins/chileno/_skin.class.php on line 123

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /[...]/skins/chileno/_skin.class.php on line 123

You can see this problem at

Many thanks

2 Jun 08, 2015 07:32

@mojolazarus it looks like the xml expected by that code is not well formed. I mean, it's almost sure that the problem is not in your b2evolution but in the external server that it is trying to connect with.

Is that block loading a third-party plugin ?
What video provider is it trying to connect with (youtube, vimeo, etc) ?

Maybe you should also investigate if your hosting provider performed an update in the server.

3 Jun 09, 2015 06:42

Thanks a lot for the reply mgsolipa. I have now realised that the problem is not restricted to the homepage but is all over the website. The code is the workaround that you helped me with to pull video thumbs from YouTube and Vimeo. The thread is below:
Any idea why it should suddenly stop working? I can check host gator for an update in their server. Is that an update in xml?
Thanks a lot.

4 Jun 11, 2015 01:24

All right, I didn't remember what I have done there. Thanks for the link to the other post.

The problem is dead simple: the script to get details of each video from Youtube that I quickly found and sent to you at that moment (, is based on the Youtube API v2, which is no longer available.

I updated the other post with a fix, please test it and let me know how it goes.


5 Jun 11, 2015 08:23

OK thank you. I have pasted the code for step 2 but received this error:
Fatal error: Cannot call method self::vimeo_apicall() or method does not exist in /home1/mogator/public_html/skins/chileno/_skin.class.php on line 126

Something I have missed I expect?


6 Jun 11, 2015 08:44

It doesn't make any sense, those are just a few calls to methods in the same class and, in worst case scenario, it shouldn't return a fatal error.

What version of PHP are you running?
Are you sure that you completely removed the old code and replace it by the new one?

Please try replacing line 55

if( $data = call_user_func('self::'.$matches[1].'_apicall', $matches[2]) )


if( $data = call_user_func(array('self',$matches[1].'_apicall'), $matches[2]) )

7 Jun 12, 2015 00:38

Nice one mgsolipa, that works now! That is, replacing the php as described above did the trick. Just out of interest, why does specifying an array make a difference? Cheers.

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