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1 Jul 10, 2014 11:50    

Is it possible to show post count in category???

and is there any good statistic viewer?Analytics?traffic etc?

2 Jul 10, 2014 12:48

Hello @downloadscr,

The first thing that we need to know is which version are you currently using, and also how do you want to show that posts count. Please check the screenshot and, if you need something like that, all you have to do is:

1. Go to the file blogs/inc/widgets/widgets/_coll_category_list.widget.php
2. Go to the line 399. It should look like this:

$r .= '">'.$cat_name.'</a>';

3. Replace it by:

$r .= '">'.$cat_name.' ('.get_postcount_in_category( $Chapter->ID, $Chapter->blog_ID ).')</a>';

Regarding Analytics, b2evolution has a complete built-in tool to let you see what is happening in your site. This section will give you a lot of information about it:

3 Jul 10, 2014 13:38

Yes,Exactly like this.
But how will I go to the file blogs/inc/widgets/widgets/_coll_category_list.widget.php?
sorry for my noob question.First time with b2ev

4 Jul 10, 2014 13:45

I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It worked!!thanks...

About the analytics...built in analytics analyzes admins clicks other wordpress statistics shows you coutry wise view...ip view

5 Jul 10, 2014 18:21

Counting posts for each category has a significant performance impact.

@mgsolipa I think we should integrate category post counts into the widget BUT optionally (off by default) only execute them if set to "on" AND when block caching is turned on AND the widget is being cached.

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