1 tosca Jan 16, 2014 09:56
3 tosca Jan 17, 2014 23:53
Thank you for this suggestion. I'll test a blog to see what happens.
4 tosca Jan 18, 2014 02:45
I also found this script and it looks pretty good for my purposes (maybe). I haven't used it yet but will try them both to see how they work.
5 amoun Jan 20, 2014 00:45
I'm not sure what you want. I have two similar heath related blogs where only registered users can see the posts
6 tosca Jan 20, 2014 22:41
Hmmm.... I'm unsure if I can make myself clearer than what I have already stated. I want to try to implement EXTRA security to private blogs aside from the basics of permissions that come with the software and SSL.
What "if" someone hacked into the system posing as the fake Admin who has access to ALL BLOGS? How would the private blogs be protected? The only thing I can think of, is to have a sub-login page or password protection for each private blog. Therefore, the fake Admin trying to access those blogs would be blocked. The extra layer of security would be a nice option to implement to any version of the blogs.
7 amoun Apr 22, 2014 00:40
Hi Tosca. It's been a few months hope you've sorted something.
The only way I can see someone getting my login as admin is either there's a key logging malware or database breached by an query injection. In either case an alternative admin wouldn't do anything.
Blogs don't have to be visible and access can be blocked to any of the blogs in a multiple setup any category and any set of posts
You could even put a blog in a password protected folder on your server
8 mgsolipa Apr 22, 2014 04:41
Hello everyone,
There is also a quite easy trick to "hide" all the content of a particular collection to the public and doesn't need any add-on: avoid the Public status for posts and comments, and use Members or Community instead. Thus, only special users, for the first case, or all the logged in users, for the second one, will have access to the content.
Actually, playing around with the advancd permissions and user groups, we could grant a per-blog access to specific groups. For example: Group A is able to read posts only in Blog A, Group B is able to read posts only in Blog B and so on.
If you already have a lot of Public posts and comments, a single SQL statement could make a massive status change.
I'm new to this too but probably with a .htaccess file.
see here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14603568/password-protect-a-specific-url