2 fplanque Jul 19, 2015 03:43

I'm trying to install b2evolution (what does that mean?) on the server so that I can try it out, explore the various features, and how its behavior and appearance can be changed to get the look I want.
I have downloaded and unzipped the file named b2evolution-6.6.0-stable-2015-07-17.zip and I do not see a blogs directory in the b2evolution directory.
I also downloaded b2evolution-6.4.4-beta-2015-06-14.zip and there is no blogs directory in the b2evolution in that package as well
Just to double check that the program I used to unzip/extract the files was not malfunctioning, I used two different programs to do the unzips/extraction.
Am I misreading the installation instructions on the page: http://b2evolution.net/man/installation-guide in the section about unzipping the file and uploading to the server via FTP.
It says:
This will download a .zip file to your computer which you should unzip. This will create a folder called b2evolution. This folder contains a file called index.html which you can double click to get further instructions (sometimes available in several languages) or you can read on hereā¦
Below that there is a screen capture of some FTP software (I don't recognize it) showing that it is just the content of the blogs directory which you want to upload.
I have no blogs directory. I have the following directory in the b2evolution directory:
_cache, conf, cron, htsrv, inc, install, locales, media, plugins, rsc, skins_admin, skins_email, skins_fallback_v5, skins_fallback_v6, skins_site, and xmlsrv
There is no blogs directory - what do I do?
And -- there is no index.html file in the b2evolution directory. There is, however, a file named readme.html and index.php.
I checked on the instruction page for the date when the page was created or update and found nothing. I think there should be an international law which requires that ALL web pages MUST contain the dates of creation and the last update. The penalty for violation of the law would be to be executed once for each page created without dates.
Without dates it is not possible to determine the age of the material. If the page is very old, you could then consider searching for more up-to-date information. When you find no date, you have no way of judging whether the information is still valid.
FYI - my background: 42+ years in data processing, I've worked (and excelled) in just about every aspect of computing that exists. My most valuable ability is to be able learn new hardware, languages, and software at an incredible speed and produce results is a very short time. That ability has been my foundation for a successful career in computing.
I'm not bragging, just stating facts so that you'll have an idea of the technical level you can use in your replies.
Where do I go from here - there is no blogs directory?
Thank you for reporting this. We'll update the guide and screenshots.
The blogs directory has been removed a couple weeks ago and all interesting files are now one level higher. We did that because many people did actually upload the 'blogs' folder itself and there is no point in having that folder.