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1 Apr 07, 2019 21:41    

I would like know if could be possible open an italian section in the support area?


2 Apr 07, 2019 21:44

Hi grisu

Noting the other nations support and their lack of use, although it is clearly possible no idea how likely it is. I imagine someone with either good knowledge of b2evo or at least as you seem to have, good management of English would be needed to oversee it.

Meanwhile I'm wondering what version you are using and what is the website url for your site

3 Apr 08, 2019 20:58

really I'm just a newbie and I would like a group where discuss about b2evo


4 Apr 08, 2019 22:16

If you are already using b2evo please post version and website.

6 Apr 09, 2019 01:09

Someone who speaks Italian should start this. It is too difficult for us to control spam in languages we don't understand.

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