2 amoun Jan 07, 2021 20:32

Note the post that refers to version 8 :)
secondly @fplanque has read my private post, so he is still alive unless someone has access to his account.
So things are looking a bit brighter wouldn't you say :) but of course there are always dark clouds on the horizon if you look far enough and in their direction.
Have you tried private messaging to the 'mentioned members'
I wasn't looking for a private chat. So no reason to write any developer or mod directly.
@amoun wrote earlier:
You may notice that on 13th Dec last a post was changed from Community to Public, so someone is interacting on the forum moderation side.
Isn't this more than a month ago?
@amoun wrote earlier:
Note the post that refers to version 8 :)
What will be the "8" worth when even the "7" isn't maintained properly!
@amoun wrote earlier:
secondly @fplanque has read my private post, so he is still alive unless someone has access to his account.
So, you are confirming that the project and or the forum isn't maintained anymore.
@amoun wrote earlier:
So things are looking a bit brighter wouldn't you say :)
You're joking - right?
@amoun wrote earlier:
but of course there are always dark clouds on the horizon if you look far enough and in their direction.
With this forum / b2e I do not even need to look that far.
And of course I am looking in this direction when working with it.
Just look how many bug descriptions appeared with 7.x and how many - with "6.x" working things got broken in 7.x and how many patches were provided?
And some of the patches were provided by the community and still not integrated.
To me all this looks sad and it is a pity that this powerful app suffers and that folks is moving on to look for another tool to build a blog or community with.
Stay healthy!
If I had nothing better to do I could argue some of the points you rebut forever but luckily I've got land to manage but I empathise with your disappointments with not getting up to date information on development that you want
Now I'm more worried about you than @fplanque, but clearly you are alive, well and kicking :)
I don't want to get into details at this point but I think someone should fork this project and take over maintenance.
Okay, here are some details: https://fplanque.com/dev/b2evolution/18-years-of-b2evolution
I am very sorry about the situation "behind the scene".
And thank you for the view "inside".
Situation may be different if more devs would be involved and tasks could be shared by more shoulders.
I am wondering why a tool such as Wordpress is expanding - despite all its disadvantages - while B2E is widely unknown.
Thank you for your effort during all these years.
Stay healthy!
@northlight wrote earlier:
I am wondering why a tool such as Wordpress is expanding - despite all its disadvantages - while B2E is widely unknown.
Although some of us, independently, have been promoting b2evolution, i.e., I submitted a starting point b2evolution config to Nginx Documentation < https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/recipes/b2evolution/ > thereby providing it with a wider audience in that important space; and in this GitHub Engine X repository that config is included:
< https://github.com/Metztli/debian-modsecurity-nginx-connector >,
it seems that, overall, @fplanque's business model essentially cannibalized on its own by feeding on their lunch all without consulting with those affected prior to effecting those destructive changes.
Maybe you could explain in some detail what you mean by
@fplanque's business model essentially cannibalized on its own by feeding on their lunch all without consulting with those affected prior to effecting those destructive changes."
I'm not sure I have any idea of what you are talking about, I'm useless at business and consequently dwell off grid, largely. Maybe Monsieur Planque would also benefit from some clear critique.
At the moment I use wordpress and a theme. But I dont like how the blog page loosk (https://www.biobey.be/blog/ ) I wonder if there are better solutions because at this point it looks like a page with text. I would like it to look better en with more pictures without the website being too slow. :) If someone has tips let me know
Have you tried private messaging to the 'mentioned members'
I have recently see if someone is ok given this pandemic issue, so I'm more concerned with the people than if the b2evo project will survive.
You may notice that on 13th Dec last a post was changed from Community to Public, so someone is interacting on the forum moderation side.