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1 Jun 22, 2015 07:58    

I could not find the solution to this :

Nickname for login and required only ... but do not display the login username (hide) ...
... I found most of it but nothing like "nickname display only and no login ID display

also where should I go to add few symbol characters ... such as * and - ... already saw this _

Will this adding special characters will have a conflict with b2evolution coding ?

Thank you.

2 Jun 22, 2015 19:02

This is very cryptic, I don't clearly understand what you mean without having to make guesses.

Please explain what you need in a clearer way:

  • A screenshot always helps.
  • What is wrong?
  • What would be right?

If there are 2 different issues, please clearly separate them into 2 forum posts.

PS: it is NOT recommended to allow additional special characters in logins. This has NOT been tested. Some special characters WILL create side effects, including security issues.

We can work on this but it will need testing and to justify this we need a use case and a "why we absolutely need more characters?" and "which characters exactly"

3 Jun 22, 2015 21:34

I thought so and that is correct ... on this part

PS: it is NOT recommended to allow additional special characters in logins. This has NOT been tested. Some special characters WILL create side effects, including security issues.

characters are * and - ... because my ID has always been TDoG-Warrior and a friend has *TheDarkLord* ... that is about it.

(in shock at the moment)
the login part ... this ... umm ... what now ? ... it WORKS now ... maybe I just need to log out and log back in to change the effect.

it was "warrior" instead of "TDoG-Warrior" ... it seems that I got it right this time. ...

I guess disregard this post about the login, nickname and the special symbol/character then ...

... I just don't want b2evolution blog to reveal login ID and email to public ... just to protect their privacy from others ... is this login ID and Email are completely hidden from public ?

earlier I had alot of troubles with b2evolution blog and it was probably the human errors somewhere ... fresh installation does the tricks :)

4 Jun 25, 2015 02:21

email addresses are super protected and have always been.

protecting logins has never been a requirement so I would say there might be places where they might be displayed if you're not careful to check your whole site. (but of course associated passwords are protected)

5 Jun 25, 2015 02:32

The user login displays in user.disp by default in 5.x & later if I am not mistaken. I think logins should not get displayed on front end. Whats the point of displaying a users login when you have nickname ?

@fplanque wrote earlier:

email addresses are super protected and have always been.

protecting logins has never been a requirement so I would say there might be places where they might be displayed if you're not careful to check your whole site. (but of course associated passwords are protected)

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