2 mikes Apr 11, 2020 05:49

Thanks for your input.
I am wondering about the 'mass create posts" function in contents section. I can not find a description regarding the syntax for this function. Can this be used to mass import posts and populate data fields?
It will only support Text, you would have to add images and stuff later.
Still, it be great for archiving in my opinion.
It will display on a blog/collection with a teaser image (image-file-url) linking to an external url (Link-to-url) and display of an excerpt (Excerpt) underneath the teaser image.
Would you want to download the image on to b2evolution or just reference it with an <img> tag?
/backend/system/ Maintenance/Import is your best bet.
If it doesn't work for your old CMS Your going to have to find a coder.