2 achillis Feb 14, 2018 15:09

Thanks very much. Will check out your ideas.
EDIT I'm using the second option to start with
Thanks again
I edited my answer. Check it out. Sorry I answered out of hand but just reviewed/checked it properly now.
Thanks very much. Will check out your ideas.
EDIT I'm using the second option to start with disp=msgform&recipient_id=6989
Thanks again
You should consider incorporating it into your skin class to make reduce hardcoding of data that might change, such as a user id which you can define is Skin Settings instead of having to change it in _help.dip.php everytime you need to chnage the user.
Note: My example above is NOT tested, just gave you a snippet from my thoughts.
Trying the skin class option as we speak :)
Did this work for you?
No it didn't work straight of the box so to speak, and I was getting somewhere with my hard coding option, as usual and did this to my [/skin/***/_mgs_contact.form.php}
$title="Website Technician";
if($recipient_id ==3)
{$title="Production Manager";}
$Form->hidden( 'recipient_id', $recipient_id );
$Form->hidden( 'post_id', $post_id );
$Form->hidden( 'comment_id', $comment_id );
$Form->hidden( 'redirect_to', url_rel_to_same_host($redirect_to, '/htsrv') );
$Form->info( T_('To'), $recipient_link . ' :: ' .$title);
Thanks and may look at your recommendation again when I have more head space, but this works and is simple enough to update new versions :)
for user profile like this:
for user contact page like this:
You will need to know the user ID in the above the id is 6989
you could have a field in your skin class
like so: