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1 Mar 05, 2020 19:54    

I am faced with a challenge. An older server has become so outdated I can no longer upgrade, etc. It hosts some of my oldest b2evo blogs that are still running on older php versions. I think they are on b2evo 3.3 and 4.1.

What would be the best way of handling this? My logic would tell me to make a fresh start and install the newest script version on the site and then try to import the data. Does that sound like a workable solution? Any advice would be highly appreciated.

2 Mar 06, 2020 09:59

I have had to do the same.

The 'best' way is to

1) Install the same version you have on the old host to the new host and then import the database.

2) Then upgrade the new host, which will then upgrade the database.

Technically the new version should update the database but if you are nervous or it doesn't work, do it in stages version 3 > 5. > 6.*

You will need php equal to or greater than 5.6 for b2evo 6.10.6 and above

If you have a conflict with the database version and b2evo version I have a list at

And ensure you keep a copy of the originasl database :)

Have fun :)

3 Mar 07, 2020 10:32

@amoun wrote earlier:

I have had to do the same.
The 'best' way is to
1) Install the same version you have on the old host to the new host and then import the database.
2) Then upgrade the new host, which will then upgrade the database.
Technically the new version should update the database but if you are nervous or it doesn't work, do it in stages version 3 > 5. > 6.*
You will need php equal to or greater than 5.6 for b2evo 6.10.6 and above
If you have a conflict with the database version and b2evo version I have a list at
And ensure you keep a copy of the originasl database :)
Have fun :)

Thanks for your advice. I did convert a few sites from 3 to 5 a few years back. That was working well. Problem right now is to "jump" from PHP5 to PHP5.6. and then to 7. I got the script admin to work, but not the front end, yet.

4 Mar 07, 2020 19:10

Enable php5.6 before 6.10.6 . . . . . is that working

5 Mar 17, 2020 22:16

While still on b2evo 5.12-stable I went from PHP 5 to 5.4. in the first step and the way posts are sorted is causing an error. Any idea how I can resolve this?

Additional information about this error:

MySQL error!

Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'asian4y_b2e155.evo_items__item.post_datemodified' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT(Errno=3065)

Your query: ItemList2::Query() Step 1: Get ID list


  FROM evo_items__item

 INNER JOIN evo_postcats ON post_ID = postcat_post_ID

 INNER JOIN evo_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID

 WHERE ( cat_blog_ID = 1 )

   AND (( post_ptyp_ID IS NULL

    OR post_ptyp_ID NOT IN (1000,1400,1500,1520,1530,1570,1600,3000,4000) ))

   AND ( (  ( post_status IN ( 'protected' ) )  ) )

 ORDER BY post_datemodified DESC, post_ID DESC


6 Mar 18, 2020 21:04

  1. Can you go back to php 5.12 and see if the posts sort themselves.
  1. Otherwse check any changes in php that may effect the way DISTINCT works.

If no luck then the ORDER BY post_datemodified will need to be investigated as the error saysd it needs to be in the SELECT command, which it isn't.

I don't know enough about SQL to direct you, but I will look it up, but it will take a while, days maybe :(

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