2 amoun Jul 23, 2019 01:03

amoun, You are absolutely correct. I went to the item type "post" and clicked the "allow featured" an the problem resolved. I had somehow set this for intro-front and it really messed with the code. You are always such a good source for info.
Thank you,
I just had a nudge on my post about deleting slugs. I hadn't checked the manual well enough :)
I'm very much in the learning phase and making progress. I truly appreciate your help. both b2evo and php are new to me. With folks like you I may be able to give something back in the near future.
Thanks again,
BTW, Where do you live in the UK. As a young Marine I spent 2 years as a marine guard at the US embassy.
I confirm there is no such option in version 6.11.2 either.
I'm thinking that the Featured option is for a post and by definition you are creating an Intro.
If you go to Settings > Item Types then select the Intro-Front for editing you will see it is not a compatible option.