2 ingeniero Oct 31, 2015 18:00

Please confirm you have no ad blockers, firewalls, etc.
Also please try with a different browser.
Please also try our demo site: http://demo.b2evolution.net
I tried with Opera, chrome, Firefox, it never works!
But different from Firefox (my favorite browser) in chrome and opera I also got an error message at login:
nevertheless I am logged in !
Notice: Undefined variable: failed_logins_lockout in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php on line 179
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 6138
Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten!
Falls dieser Fehler bestehen bleibt, melden Sie ihn bitte dem Administrator.
Zurück zur Homepage gehen
Zusätzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler:
Headers have already been sent in _init_login.inc.php on line 179.
Cannot redirect.
Please also try our demo site: http://demo.b2evolution.net
It's back up now. Please try it today.
(Do we really have to shout about it using heading markup to make our text as big as possible?)
Notice: Undefined variable: failed_logins_lockout in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php on line 179
means you are NOT using and UP TO DATE version of /conf/_advanced.php`.
You created this error yourself.
sorry for my text formatting!
(i am used to SEO writing to much maybe because of that I like H2 tags )
luckily the correct _advanced.php resolved all Problems, Graphics and also the Tiny MCE works now
yes Thanx
my German support just told me the same!
die Meldung ist eindeutig. Die Variable "failed_logins_lockout" wird nirgends im Script definiert. Mit mod_security hat das überhaupt nichts zu tun. Wenn ich mir direkt vom Hersteller die aktuellste Version von b2evolution herunterlade, dann wird in conf/_advanced.php die Variable festgelegt. Bei Ihnen fehlt dies in dieser Datei.!
As I modified the /_advanced.ph I did use the update feature to not update that file
That means in future I have to check if any config files contain new variables and so cannot be excluded!
Anyway thanx for the support ! all works fine now!
Glad it works.
You should Not exclude the config fiels from auto upgrade. Instead, I recommend you use this additional config file for persisting your local changes: http://b2evolution.net/man/overrides-test-php