2 mgsolipa Oct 27, 2015 07:46

@ingeniero please check if you can load the TinyMCE library this way: http://your-domain/rsc/js/tiny_mce/tinymce.min.js
If you get something different than a page full of javascript code (example: http://b2evolution.net/rsc/js/tiny_mce/tinymce.min.js), then you need to make sure that the file actually exists in your disk and read permissions have been granted to the web server user.
look identical
the permissions are all set by the B"evolution installer as follows
chown PHP-user
chmod 644
all set by B2Evo installer and untouched!
I changed all permisssions to max no result, it is not the issue maybe I
Please try with a different browser / computer ; ideally from a different location (home vs office for example) to also make sure it's not a firewall issue.
Please also check that your web host is not using mod_security
Please also try our demo site: http://demo.b2evolution.net
Chèr Francois
I have several installations of B2 Evolution on my server hosting them for a while
the problem does not occur with my other B2Evos but ONLY with the newest version
I tried with Chrome, Firefox, opera, all have the same problem with Tiny MCE AND with the Statistics Graphics
Usually I use firefox, but login in at in chrome I additionally get this at login:
Notice: Undefined variable: failed_logins_lockout in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php on line 179
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 6138
Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten!
Falls dieser Fehler bestehen bleibt, melden Sie ihn bitte dem Administrator.
Zurück zur Homepage gehen
Zusätzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler:
Headers have already been sent in _init_login.inc.php on line 179.
Cannot redirect.
Opera says:
Notice: Undefined variable: failed_logins_lockout in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php on line 179
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_template.funcs.php on line 40
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_template.funcs.php on line 299
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_template.funcs.php on line 300
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_template.funcs.php on line 301
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_template.funcs.php on line 302
×Falscher Login/Falsches Passwort.
Notice: Undefined variable: failed_logins_lockout in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php on line 179
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php:179) in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 6138
Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten!
Falls dieser Fehler bestehen bleibt, melden Sie ihn bitte dem Administrator.
Zurück zur Homepage gehen
Zusätzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler:
Headers have already been sent in _init_login.inc.php on line 179.
Cannot redirect.
by the way your demo site doesn't work either !
I am German, working in Spain, my internetaccessprovider is Jazztel.es
here you see the involved IPs
C:\Users\fl>tracert demo3.b2evolution.net
Routenverfolgung zu demo3.b2evolution.net [] über maximal 30 Abschn
1 <1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 34 ms 34 ms 33 ms []
3 33 ms 34 ms 35 ms
4 43 ms 45 ms 45 ms [
5 45 ms * 45 ms [
6 43 ms 44 ms 43 ms ae51.bar1.Madrid1.Level3.net []
7 143 ms 145 ms 164 ms ae-0-11.bar2.Cleveland1.Level3.net [
8 148 ms 147 ms 148 ms COMLINK.bar2.Cleveland1.Level3.net []
9 157 ms 155 ms 156 ms
10 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms gt-0-1-0-3-cr91.lnng.mi.glcom.net [
11 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
@ingeniero Thank you.
1) We will definitely check and this this bug:
Notice: Undefined variable: failed_logins_lockout in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php on line 179
2) You are right the demo server is down. This has happened several times in the past month. We are going to switch to a different hosting company.
3) Thank you for confirming it is not a browser issue.
4) You did not address the Firewall issue.
5) You did not address the mod_security
Note: points 4 & 5 may react very differently to b2evolution 5 vs b2evolution v6.
4) I have the normal Windows Firewall on
5) My provider does use mod_security but doesn't see a possibility for a problem from that side!
Can you give me an explanation about the possible mod_security issue so I forward that to my provider?
1) Notice: Undefined variable: failed_logins_lockout in /www/htdocs/w0126f39/colonia-aktenvernichtung.de/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_init_login.inc.php on line 179
means you are NOT using and UP TO DATE version of /conf/_advanced.php`.
You created this error yourself.
5) Who is your hosting provider please?
the mod_security module will scan requests in the most stupidest way and block them. For example if you want to display a graphic including "admin" stats, it might see "admin" and decide someone is trying to hack the admin account and block the request. mod_security has configuration files that are 10.000 + lines long. NO ONE gets them right. There are always compatibility problems with some web app / some new version.
my host is all-inkl.com in Germany but it seems that guys know what they are doing!
Nevertheless I will forward them your opinion about mod_security
Well in that case it's not a mod_security issue, so I wouldn't bother them with that until there is an issue with that.
It sounds like an issue loading the TinyMCE library from its folder:
. Did you check the permissions on that folder?Can you open the javascript console of your browser on the same screen where you get that error and send us a screenshot of it?