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1 Mar 30, 2013 03:11    

I have some readers of my blog who would like to subscribe via e-mail. They aren't users of my blog set-up. I have e-mail subscriptions enabled, but it works only for users. How can I make it so anyone can subscribe to my blog via e-mail? Many of my readers are not particularly computer savvy. They use Blogger for their own blogs, and that's all they know. They don't understand rss or rss readers.

If there is no way, how do they become registered users of my blog? When I log out, in addition to the e-mail subscription option disappearing, I don't find a way to join. I know I can create a user name/password for them, but is there a way they can sign up on their own?

I'm currently using b2evolution 4.1.2 , but will probably be upgrading soon.


2 Apr 07, 2013 17:47

User registration is disabled by default but you can enable it in the system/user settings.

Once enabled, vistors will see a link to "register" next to the "log in" option.

3 Apr 08, 2013 02:48

Thank you!! I finally found it.

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