2 pendell Oct 24, 2017 18:59

@mcdonnej @pendell as mentioned here: http://forums.b2evolution.net/images-won-t-load, please enable debug mode and try to follow the thumbnail's URL. There is an error and this way we could see more information about it.
I've looked through the debug info, and can't find anything obviously wrong. (Of course, I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for.) I've also tried easing the permissions on the media/shared directory, but no change.
I also tried changing the location in admin from /index.php/photos to use an extension off my base url. I thought it should be /media/shared/global/photos, but that threw an error saying the folder already exists. Which it should, so why would that cause an error?
SOLVED: I had a feeling all along that there was a simple problem/fix. Turns out it was completely simple. I had not installed the gd2 library, yum install php-gd. I noticed this in Site...System...Status. Big yellow notice, along with advisories about opcode caching, imap extensions, etc.
Installed the gd2 library, rebooted the machine, and thumbnails are now working. Sheesh.
On the brighter side, I know a bit more about b2evo...
I've got the exact same issue, however I'm running v6.8.3 (yes, outdated I know, but it should still work at the very least). The admin's icon shows up fine, but literally every single other image just shows the spinning wheel of doom. I've checked in the cPanel File Manager, and the images are all there. They'll show up in a little popup if I click on them. But that loading bar just persists... I'm running it on a free web host, just for tinkering purposes, but I want to make sure this is an easily resolved issue before I install b2evo on my real host.
Kind of sad, because I'm really loving this software so far. It seems to provide everything we could possibly need.
The website where this is occurring can be accessed from my profile.