2 mgsolipa Jul 16, 2014 20:12

@tonyquain it's me again :D
Regarding my comment above, please do not replace the line mentioned in the step 2, just add the line in step 3 right below.
Thanks so much, mgsolipa!
I'll try that. Running 5.0.8, so shouldn't be a problem.
Just to make things clear: you don't need to edit any code: just use the //Universal Item List widget// instead of the //Simple Post Lists widget//.
Hello @tonyquain,
The widget that you mentioned is based on this other: http://b2evolution.net/man/universal-item-list-widget-1, and the parameter that you need to change is Link titles. In this case, the default value is auto, which means that when a URL has been defined in the item, it will link there. The value that you want is permalink, this way each entry in the list will behave exactly as you need to.
Sadly the post_list_Widget is not ready to override the default values of its parent widget directly in the back-office, so you will need to make a little hack to its code. In this case:
1. Go to the file
.2. Locate the line:
3. Add the following line below:
NOTE: you didn't mention what version of b2evolution are you running, so this instructions have been tested in v5.0.9.