2 mgsolipa Jun 04, 2014 05:51

Hi @mgsolipa
I sure that there is categories in file export. But I will follow your advice about xml-importer (man) and enable the debbuging.
Hi all
The 5.1.1.beta of 11/06/2014 the import wordpress work fine!
Hi all,
The 6.1.2.alpha the import wordpress fail again :-(
I turn on debbug... it is below:
<code>Debug info
HTTP Response code: 200
$content_type_header: Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
$disp: -- detail:
21 SQL queries executed in 0.010 seconds scroll down to details
Category Time % Count
total 0.437 100.00% 1
_init_base 0.008 1.83% 1
first_flush 0.437 100.00% 1
_MAIN.inc 0.083 18.99% 1
_init_db 0.012 2.75% 1
SQL QUERIES 0.010 2.29% 21
abstractsettings_GeneralSettings_get 0.007 1.60% 178
init modules 0.029 6.64% 1
_init_hit 0.009 2.06% 2
_init_login 0.016 3.66% 1
convert_charset 0.057 13.04% 3816
abstractsettings_GroupSettings_get 0.005 1.14% 99
plugins_register 0.005 1.14% 3
+ 10 queries < 1%
plugin_init 0.001 0.23% 1
Hit::get_remote_host 0.000 0.00% 1
_init_session 0.004 0.92% 2
abstractsettings_UserSettings_get 0.002 0.46% 12
Blog constructor 0.000 0.00% 1
tinymce_plugin_(#72) 0.000 0.00% 1
flowplayer_plugin_(#85) 0.002 0.46% 1
abstractsettings_CollectionSettings_get 0.001 0.23% 6
html5_mediaelementjs_plugin_(#88) 0.001 0.23% 1
shutdown 0.003 0.69% 1
Opcode cache: none
Memory usage: 15 MB
Memory peak usage: 15 MB
Len of serialized $cache_imgsize: 2
Len of serialized $cache_File: 2
Debug messages
_init_login | locale | request | skins | timer
Login: login: ''
Login: pass: empty
Login: Was already logged in... [admin]
Set DB connection charset: utf8
Login: default_locale from conf: en-US
Login: default_locale from DB: pt-BR
Login: default_locale from HTTP_ACCEPT: pt-BR
Login: locale from user profile: pt-BR
evo_charset: utf-8
io_charset: utf-8
We need to load a new translation file to translate: "No Access"
T_: Messages file does not exist or is not readable: /var/www/sfl.pro.br/b2600/locales/pt_BR/_global.php
We need to load a new translation file to translate: "Javascript WYSIWYG editor"
T_: Messages file does not exist or is not readable: /var/www/sfl.pro.br/b2600/plugins/tinymce_plugin/locales/pt_BR/_global.php
vars: vars: Getting ReqURI from REQUEST_URI
vars: $ReqHost: http://sfl.pro.br
vars: $ReqURI: /b2600/admin.php
vars: $ReqPath: /b2600/admin.php
Hit: IP:
Hit: UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
Hit: Referer: 'http://sfl.pro.br/b2600/admin.php?ctrl=wpimportxml&debug=737469'; type=self
Hit: Remote Host:
Session: cookie_domain=.sfl.pro.br
Session: cookie_path=/b2600/
Session: Session ID received from cookie: 644
Session: Session ID is valid.
Session: Session user_ID: '1'
Session: Session data loaded.
Hit:detect_useragent(): Agent name: firefox
Hit:detect_useragent(): Agent platform: linux
Hit: Hit NOT logged, (Admin page logging is disabled)
Session: Session data saved!
Using admin skin «bootstrap»
Admin-Path: array ( 0 => 'options', 1 => 'misc', 2 => 'import', )
total resumed at 0.000
_init_base resumed at 0.000
first_flush resumed at 0.000
_MAIN.inc resumed at 0.000
_init_base paused at 0.008 (+0.0080)
_init_db resumed at 0.000
_init_db paused at 0.012 (+0.0116)
init modules resumed at 0.000
init modules paused at 0.029 (+0.0289)
plugin_init resumed at 0.000
plugin_init paused at 0.001 (+0.0010)
_init_hit resumed at 0.000
Hit::get_remote_host resumed at 0.000
Hit::get_remote_host paused at 0.000 (+0.0000)
_init_hit paused at 0.009 (+0.0092)
_init_session resumed at 0.000
_init_session paused at 0.004 (+0.0043)
_init_login resumed at 0.000
_init_login paused at 0.016 (+0.0155)
_init_session resumed at 0.004
_init_session paused at 0.004 (+0.0000)
_init_hit resumed at 0.009
_init_hit paused at 0.009 (+0.0001)
_MAIN.inc paused at 0.083 (+0.0827)
Blog constructor resumed at 0.000
Blog constructor paused at 0.000 (+0.0001)
plugins_register resumed at 0.000
plugins_register paused at 0.003 (+0.0033)
tinymce_plugin_(#72) resumed at 0.000
tinymce_plugin_(#72) paused at 0.000 (+0.0000)
plugins_register resumed at 0.003
plugins_register paused at 0.004 (+0.0009)
flowplayer_plugin_(#85) resumed at 0.000
flowplayer_plugin_(#85) paused at 0.002 (+0.0019)
plugins_register resumed at 0.004
plugins_register paused at 0.005 (+0.0007)
html5_mediaelementjs_plugin_(#88) resumed at 0.000
html5_mediaelementjs_plugin_(#88) paused at 0.001 (+0.0009)
shutdown resumed at 0.000
Config DB Username: b2ev6
Config DB Database: b2evo-b6
Config DB Host: localhost
Config DB tables prefix: evo_
Config DB connection charset:
Current DB charset: utf8
DB queries: 21
Query #1:
Rows: 0 – Time: 0.0003s (3.35%)
Query #2: we do this in DEBUG mode only
Rows: 1 – Time: 0.0002s (2.08%)
Query #3: we do this in DEBUG mode only
SET sql_mode = "TRADITIONAL"
Rows: 0 – Time: 0.0002s (1.96%)
Query #4:
SELECT set_name, set_value
FROM evo_settings
Rows: 168 – Time: 0.0005s (5.03%)
Query #5: Loading plugin events
SELECT pevt_plug_ID, pevt_event
FROM evo_pluginevents
INNER JOIN evo_plugins ON pevt_plug_ID = plug_ID
WHERE pevt_enabled > 0
AND plug_status = 'enabled'
ORDER BY plug_priority, plug_classname
Rows: 57 – Time: 0.0006s (5.41%)
Query #6:
SELECT loc_locale, loc_datefmt, loc_timefmt, loc_shorttimefmt, loc_startofweek,
loc_name, loc_messages, loc_priority, loc_transliteration_map, loc_enabled
FROM evo_locales
ORDER BY loc_priority
Rows: 14 – Time: 0.0004s (3.84%)
Query #7:
SELECT sess_ID, sess_key, sess_data, sess_user_ID, sess_start_ts, sess_lastseen_ts, sess_device
FROM evo_sessions
WHERE sess_ID = '644'
AND sess_key = '2pSeIsgNQsQ6HkUMkQu0ifdpHGmVvdfP'
AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(sess_lastseen_ts) > 1431179854
Rows: 1 – Time: 0.0005s (4.50%)
Query #8: DataObjectCache::get_by_ID()
FROM evo_users
WHERE (user_ID = '1')
Rows: 1 – Time: 0.0005s (4.81%)
Query #9: Loading Group(ALL) into cache
FROM evo_groups
ORDER BY grp_level DESC, grp_name ASC
Rows: 6 – Time: 0.0005s (5.23%)
Query #10: BEGIN transaction
Rows: 0 – Time: 0.0004s (3.41%)
Query #11:
FROM evo_groups__groupsettings
WHERE gset_grp_ID = 1
Rows: 23 – Time: 0.0004s (4.03%)
Query #12: COMMIT transaction
Rows: 0 – Time: 0.0001s (1.42%)
Query #13:
SELECT gset_grp_ID, gset_name, gset_value
FROM evo_groups__groupsettings
WHERE gset_grp_ID = '1'
Rows: 23 – Time: 0.0006s (5.58%)
Query #14:
SELECT uset_user_ID, uset_name, uset_value
FROM evo_users__usersettings
WHERE uset_user_ID = '1'
Rows: 69 – Time: 0.0005s (4.62%)
Query #15: DataObjectCache::get_by_ID()
FROM evo_blogs
WHERE (blog_ID = '31')
ORDER BY blog_order
Rows: 1 – Time: 0.0006s (5.42%)
Query #16:
SELECT plug_ID, plug_priority, plug_classname, plug_code, plug_name, plug_shortdesc, plug_status, plug_version, plug_spam_weight
FROM evo_plugins
WHERE plug_status = 'enabled'
ORDER BY plug_priority, plug_classname
Rows: 15 – Time: 0.0006s (6.31%)
Query #17:
SELECT cset_coll_ID, cset_name, cset_value
FROM evo_coll_settings
WHERE cset_coll_ID = '31'
Rows: 10 – Time: 0.0004s (4.28%)
Query #18:
FROM evo_links
WHERE link_usr_ID = '1'
ORDER BY link_file_ID
Rows: 2 – Time: 0.0005s (5.12%)
Query #19:
FROM evo_files
WHERE file_ID IN ( 278,316 )
Rows: 2 – Time: 0.0003s (2.78%)
Query #20:
FROM evo_messaging__threadstatus ts
LEFT OUTER JOIN evo_messaging__message mu
ON ts.tsta_first_unread_msg_ID = mu.msg_ID
INNER JOIN evo_messaging__message mm
ON ts.tsta_thread_ID = mm.msg_thread_ID
AND mm.msg_datetime >= mu.msg_datetime
WHERE ts.tsta_first_unread_msg_ID IS NOT NULL
AND (ts.tsta_thread_leave_msg_ID IS NULL
OR ts.tsta_first_unread_msg_ID <= tsta_thread_leave_msg_ID)
AND (ts.tsta_user_ID = '1')
Rows: 1 – Time: 0.0008s (7.91%)
Query #21: Session::dbsave()
UPDATE evo_sessions SET
sess_lastseen_ts = '2015-05-10 01:57:34',
sess_data = 'a:10:{s:22:\"crumb_latest_loginform\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"y0KzEdjVJ0zQnIW4BtW32gBZMPbjKeDV-1431212810\";}s:22:\"crumb_latest_loginsalt\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"41PB1yzYR7hOCmgqPjwh7ogSXwGEBlV2-1431212810\";}s:31:\"crumb_latest_messaging_contacts\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"BhRH5VtfVhLRrSkrdPd18rj3xNOM22J1-1431212829\";}s:18:\"crumb_latest_wpxml\";a:2:{i:0;N;i:1;s:43:\"5ThwvlH2edrS2TnEwH050prvPaE5x3T2-1431212860\";...
[Show more]
Rows: 1 – Time: 0.0005s (4.86%)
Total rows: 395
Measured time: 0.0103s
Profiled time: 0.0000s</code>
Hi @oigreslima,
I just tried the WP importer again in all our public versions, and it works well.
Are you getting the same category related error message that you got when created this post before? Did you get any other error message as result of the import process? Unfortunately, in this case, the debug info isn't too useful.
Can you please try importing the sample file attached to this comment into a new collection in your site? It's just to check if you get the same error.
All right, your export file was really helpful to find the issue (you should delete it immediately from the server you shared because now it's publicly available for everyone).
The thing is that there are a couple of invalid characters in the XML file and we should find a way to get rid of them before to check the content of the file in the import routine. I will send this issue to the dev team to find the best solution.
In the meantime you can manually delete those characters (lucky there are only two of them in the entire file) and your import will run smoothly. Please check the screenshot to identify the line number and characters to be deleted.
Thanks @mgsolipa
I will follow your orientation!
@mgsolipa wrote earlier:
All right, your export file was really helpful to find the issue (you should delete it immediately from the server you shared because now it's publicly available for everyone).
The thing is that there are a couple of invalid characters in the XML file and we should find a way to get rid of them before to check the content of the file in the import routine. I will send this issue to the dev team to find the best solution.
In the meantime you can manually delete those characters (lucky there are only two of them in the entire file) and your import will run smoothly. Please check the screenshot to identify the line number and characters to be deleted.
Hi @oigreslima,
It looks like a bug when the XML file does not contain any category. Please check this page: http://b2evolution.net/man/xml-importer, there you will find a partial solution meanwhile the issue is fixed in a further release. However, please check your WP site, because at least the "Uncategorized" category should exist, so it's weird that it is not in the exported file.
If the information above doesn't help you, please enable the deugging and share any information that you consider useful in order to keep searching for the causes of your issue.