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1 Jul 19, 2014 08:49    

I have a problem showing correct danish letters in the top most blog title and in the tagline nest to it.

Wrong: Bryghuset p�¥ Korsh�¸j (top most blog title)
Correct: Bryghuset på Korshøj (blog title in right column)

Can be seen online at

Can anyonw help, please?


2 Aug 05, 2014 21:29

Hello @geert,

It looks like you have a n encoding issue, I think it won't happend if you convert your database to UTF8. There are two options for you:

1) Upgrade your site to 5.1.1 and use the built-in UTF8 conversion tool.
2) Add the conversion script to your current 5.0.9 site and run it.

Both options are described in this page:


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