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1 Dec 21, 2012 07:39    

We all know SEF URL's are one of the best weapons for SEO, but you can only keep it so long.
So instead of creating posts with duplicate content, sometimes i create multiple slugs for the same post.

As an example: my actual post title is einstein-quotes, and pid is say 789
but i create multiple slugs such as einstein-religion-quotes, einstein-quotations, albert-einstein-english-quotes. etc. you get the idea.And redirect all the slugs to pid#789.

I find it useful and even if they actually do not show up in search results, i think they help.
Would you agree or am i just being superstitious ?

2 Dec 21, 2012 16:23

Yep, this is how a lot of website do. By the way, if you look at old b2evo posts in this forum in the backoffice you'll notice that they have a bunch of slugs in one text field separated with a comma. So it looks like b2evo v5 supports multiple slugs

3 Dec 21, 2012 16:25

Well it seems that my BO access is limited, i cant see slugs, but i understand what you are getting at and that was exactly my point.
@sam2kb wrote:

Yep, this is how a lot of website do. By the way, if you look at old b2evo posts in this forum in the backoffice you'll notice that they have a bunch of slugs in one text field separated with a comma. So it looks like b2evo v5 supports multiple slugs

4 Dec 23, 2012 20:35

Yes b2evo v5 supports multiple slugs. It remembers all old slugs any time you change the slug.

Remembering old slugs is useful in case someone has linked to the page with the old slug. Beyond that, it's just superstition.

Having multiple slugs is also super useful when you want to link to your own content with different slugs (for better context integration) which is the case with the WikiLinks plugin.

5 Dec 24, 2012 01:21

Ah ok, my wishful thinking than (:

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