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1 Sep 25, 2013 17:02    

I am using b2evo 5.0.5 and the plugin "Starrating" 0.8.0. And it does - nothing!
The plugin is integrated in the header section, the installation runs correctly, plugin is activated.

As the installation guide says I have to add the code

<?php $GLOBALS['Plugins']->call_by_code( 'starrating', array('id' => $Item->ID ) ); ?>

within the "bSmallPrint"-div in index_main.php. This section do exist only in in 5.0.5.

I have tried all possible places to include the above code in index_main.php and as well, but the plugin seems to sleep. Whenever I chose the plugin to be activated by writing a new post it is not displayed in the post. And when I edit the post the plugin appears as unchosen.

Sorry for my bad English ;-))

Have anyone an idea? Many thanks for your engagement


3 Sep 27, 2013 22:26

@sam2kb wrote earlier:

You need to edit the plugin's code, then go to Blog settings > Plugins and select rendering method as "stealth"
See here for more details

Many thanks for your help, but the plugin still does not work. I have changed "var $group = 'rendering';" in the php-file of starrating-plugin. Now it is listed in Blogs -> Plugins and I have changed rendering to "stealth". Result: starrating has vanished and can not be chosen when writing a new post. This is only possible with "opt-in" or "opt-out".

As the widget "online users" does not work correctly, I consider to use the b2evo version 3.3.1 which is working perfectly with my web newspaper.

Again, heartful thanks for your help.
Yours, Karin

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