This started to happen more often than i'd like.I try repairing table as advised, but it doesnt help, the only solution is that i end up emptying the whole thing.
Additional info:
MySQL error!
Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_4161_0.MYI'; try to repair it(Errno=126)
Your query: Results::Query()
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE hit_ID, hit_datetime, hit_referer, dom_name, hit_blog_ID, hit_uri, hit_remote_addr, blog_shortname,keyp_phrase, hit_serprank, hit_serprank IS NULL AS is_null_hit_serprank
FROM evo_hitlog
INNER JOIN evo_basedomains ON dom_ID = hit_referer_dom_ID
LEFT JOIN evo_track__keyphrase ON hit_keyphrase_keyp_ID = keyp_ID
LEFT JOIN evo_blogs ON hit_blog_ID = blog_ID
WHERE hit_referer_type = "search"
AND hit_agent_type = "browser"
LIMIT 0, 20
Yep, I get a lot of errors like that. Make sure the engine is MyISAM for hitlog and sessions tables?