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1 Jan 07, 2014 20:18    


I am still getting messages that pages and posts are pinged, though I have uninstaled all Ping Plugins and I if I update a page etc. I get the message "Post had already pinged: skipping notifications"

Any ideas folks how to stop and/or get rid of such messages and notifications, thanks

5.0.6 Manual skin

2 08 Jan 2014 18:02

Did you uncheck the following from the back office located at the "advanced"tab?

Ping Ping-O-Matic:

3 10 Jan 2014 11:47

Thanks dh. I don't have that option as I have no relevant plugins, but I now wonder if I removed the plugins before disabling such in advanced and the database still thinks I have them. Rather than fiddle with the database I'll reinstall the plugins and check the advanced tab, disable and then uninstall the plugins to see if that is the issue.

Thanks again

Update 1:
Have reinstalled the plugins but they are not enabled by default, so have enabled them and saved to database and disabled them and saved to database, wondering if the database values were off they could be reset.

Will now write a new post to see what happens and will then uninstall plugins again.

Update 2:
Well a) the above has no effect but b) I need to amend the problem as follows

I am updating a post/page for new users. It's only when updating that I get the problem. When a new post is created I get no info on whether it was pinged or not.

It is not a skin problem I have tried various default skins.

4 10 Jan 2014 12:57

version $Id: _item.class.php 4851 2013-09-24 09:56:14Z yura $

	if( $this->notifications_status == 'finished' )
		{ // pings have been done before
			if( $verbose )
				$Messages->add( T_('Post had already pinged: skipping notifications...'), 'note' );
			return false;

5 10 Jan 2014 13:08

It seems that the database sees the post as 'finished' and then the above is carried out whether I have ping plugins installed or not, enabled or not.


	$this->notifications_status = $db_row->post_notifications_status;

Need this to be dependent also on whether I have plugins enabled

I can stop it by a hack but does anyone else have this issue? Is it a bug maybe?

6 10 Jan 2014 13:10

Hi @amoun,

In fact, it looks like an issue at version 5.0.6. I think that message should not be there if there are no ping plugins enabled, but is not a problem at all. Developers will review it and, if needs to be fixed, it will be done in a next release.


7 10 Jan 2014 13:24

Thanks mgsolipa

It's a problem for people who wonder what's going on :)

I have a hack temporarily, in /inc/items/model/_items.class.php

at line 5203 added


Thanks again

8 28 Jan 2015 07:49

@mgsolipa wrote earlier:

Hi @amoun,

In fact, it looks like an issue at version 5.0.6. I think that message should not be there if there are no ping plugins enabled, but is not a problem at all. Developers will review it and, if needs to be fixed, it will be done in a next release.


no, it has not be reviewed and updated in the next release yet ... i am on 5.2.1 now ... still doing that with disabled ping

9 28 Jan 2015 08:35

no, it has not be reviewed and updated in the next release yet ... i am on 5.2.1 now ... still doing that with disabled ping

Actually, it was reviewed and not being an urgent thing at all, it's still pending in the developer's ToDo list.

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