1 haharen Feb 25, 2016 04:09
3 haharen Mar 05, 2016 02:51
Yes, we should have 2 different features.
The "like" can show how popular the article is, it's designed more for the rank of articles ,authors and collections(If there is a collection rank).
The "favorite", to a certain extent, can show an user's reading history(just like the reading notes), it's designed and convenient for users to review.
Although these two functions are really similar, I still don't suggest combining these two features.
4 fplanque Mar 09, 2016 00:44
Ok, I agree. Now a similar question :)
Should be call it "favorite" or "flag"? In email programs, things to be reviewed later are typically "flagged" and get a flag icon.
5 haharen Mar 09, 2016 02:49
Yes, 'flag' would be better.
In fact, I am not sure. 'Favorite'(the meaning of collect, store up, enshrine;) is my translation which usually called in China. I am sorry maybe my translation was inappropriate.
6 fplanque Mar 13, 2016 21:27
Ah yes, "favorite" would be collecting ans storing only things we like/use often. "Flag" has a meaning that is more like "I need to check this later" rather than "I like this".
Let's go for "Flag"
Do you think we should have 2 different features: "favorite" and "like" functions/icons?
Or is it basically the same (but some may prefer to call it "fav" and others "like")?