2 fplanque Aug 28, 2019 23:58

@fplanque Thanks for the tag.
The new TOC Plugin (b2evoTOC) is not as convincing as the old third party plugin (evo_tableofcontent). So may be it is a good idea to upgrade the old one.
The new plugin shows some really problems (not only towards UX)
See the screenshots (screenshot 1 = b2evoTOC) (screenshot 2 = (evo_tableofcontent)
The new TOC Plugin (b2evoTOC) is not as convincing as the old third party plugin (evo_tableofcontent).
Then you can continue to use the old one. You can uninstall the new one.
The new plugin is mainly designed to be used as an independent widget in the sidebar, instead of inline with [toc]
. I agree the toc should not be rendered on disp=posts.
The new plugin will place the table of contents in the place you signal with