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1 Dec 14, 2014 20:21    


I had the number of times an article was read added to the top of a post along with author, date, etc.

After a recent upgrade, i lost it and can't remember what file to add it to

(i think the code was like item (views) or something like that.

i can find the code again, i just don't recall the file to edit


2 Dec 15, 2014 07:35

Hi @bloggerboy,

View counting was removed in version 5.1.0 due to performance improvements ( and I also made a related comment in this post:, about how and why it was removed.

Basically, getting an accurate number of views requires several operations and it's a performance hug that may like some people, but that also has taken several sites down. Specially, when a robot decide that he likes your site and starts hitting it with no mercy.


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