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1 Nov 26, 2006 08:47    

I want my plugin to only matter on blog #5. Anybody know how I can do that?

2 Nov 26, 2006 09:03

You could add a setting for blog id's (comma seperated list would be easiest) and check it against the current blog id when the plugin is called.


3 Nov 26, 2006 09:36

democracy and skin areas do that

4 Nov 28, 2006 00:59

Okay I'll see what I can do. Right now it's not critical - and all my early efforts have failed. It'll work. Eventually!

5 Nov 29, 2006 16:37

I was just thinking of something, and maybe it would be better if there was a 'core' way of doing this, so if a plugin only is meant to run on a certain blog, it only gets loaded for that blog, instead of the current way of it loading, then just becoming useless if it's not for the current blog.

Example would be a huge multiuser site, say 1000 users, 1000 blogs. different users would want different plugins. see where i'm going?

6 Nov 29, 2006 23:10

balupton wrote:

see where i'm going?

Hadn't even thought of that, but yeah: wow. For my goal my bloggers will only have one blog available so I didn't want to build in a method for me to not have to satisfy the plugin when I post in the rest of the blogs.

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