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1 Dec 03, 2006 12:55    

Western Australia (GMT+08:00 - perth) is undergoing a trial run of DST, just curious how i should go about changing the time in b2evo, or whether it would detect it automaticaly.... Cheers.

Edit: Seems that b2evo has set the time an hour back.... when for us, we set the clocks an hour forward... (something to do with us being in the southern hemisphere or something)

2 Dec 03, 2006 15:13

You mean b2evo actually did something about dst? Or did it appear to go the wrong way when your server went the right way? My experience has been that I have to go tweak my back office because I live in a state that does not do dst but my server lives in a state that does. Therefore my server offset is an hour out of sync twice a year. When I lived in a state that did dst I never noticed an issue, but it's possible I didn't pay enough attention to notice.

3 Dec 03, 2006 18:38

Hrmmm... Maybe my server just did dst then, because the time right now should be... 2:30 am, and the time the server is saying is 12:30 am...

Hrmm... We'll see

4 Dec 03, 2006 19:34

b2evo doesn't know anything about timezones. (which is a shame IMHO)

It only has an offset value (between "local" and server time).
"local" can mean whatever you want it to mean: it's mostly the time in admin land.

5 Dec 03, 2006 19:37

Ok cool, once i get my computer to actually figure out i'm in dst land now, then i'll go set the offset.


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