2 ampm24 Dec 08, 2006 17:33

I just now upgraded to 186 so I can't speak based on personal experience, but paying attention here in the forums tells me there's not a lot of 'issues' with 1.9B. Therefore I see no reason to worry about dropping down a step.
BTW it's not very easy to downgrade your version unless you have a backup of your 1.6 database and files. Basically you would restore your 16 and upgrade to 186.
That's what I figured. Version 1.6 I was using was an Alpha and I never had any issues. I backup daily as i'm anal, and host on my own server so that wouldn't be an issue, but I think i'm going to leave it. Thanks.
Well. I feel really silly now. My admin permissions were 9 instead of 10. I logged in with my other admin accound and the plugins and save button were there. I guess the only question is should I leave the beta.