1 nick Dec 10, 2006 08:38
3 yabba Dec 10, 2006 09:42
Just a tip :-
Create a file called _config_TEST.php and put your database details in there, along with $baseurl, $admin_email and $config_is_done, then upload it to your conf folder.
Then, the next time you upgrade you can just upload the whole folder without having to worry about your details being overwritten ;)
4 edb Dec 10, 2006 18:36
For me it won't work because I tell my FTP program to only upload newer files. So if anything changed before the datestamps on my server it won't over-write, meaning I'm better off deleting everything and starting over. So I'd lose the file that typically wouldn't be over-written.
I think you could also chmod the file (to what I don't know) and enter in the details from backup while running install/index.php, but I've never done it that way.
5 nick Dec 10, 2006 18:43
Thanks very much for the responses. I'll be trying the update in about an hour, and I'll be sure to report back for good (hopefully) or otherwise.
6 nick Dec 10, 2006 20:21
Well, it looks like I got it that time around! Thanks EdB and Yabba!
Use the first instructions - the one that came with the download of the new version you've chosen. The only thing I do different is that I open my current conf/_basic_config.php file and my new version of the same file name so I can copy/paste info from the current file to the new file. It'll be a total of 6 or 7 lines - 3 or 4 for your database connection, 1 for your baseurl, 1 for your admin email addy, and 1 for config_is_done. After that I upload and run the installer. Oh and I always go to mydomain.tld/mypath/install/index.php just because I do. By doing the edit up front, then telling it I am upgrading, it already knows all my important information and proceeds directly to upgrading.