1 bh Dec 12, 2006 12:58
3 bh Dec 12, 2006 13:38
could this forum be any greater? thanks
guess I will find the file on my own in which it says
Select main category in target blog and optionally check additional categories
so that this text info displayed on the write page matches the now available category options
4 topanga Dec 12, 2006 16:33
I realy don't understand you.
When giving the setting a '1'.. the text is automatically adapted...
5 bh Dec 13, 2006 16:29
for real? strange in my backoffice it has updated the category options column as expected but the text is still the same (so I still have the '1' text after changing to '0') - didn't get to examining this in more detail or looking for where to customize the text so far though - customizing the text that appears there would be nice anyway like writing ONE POST ONE CATEGORY !!!! don't you EVER, EVER make the same post to more than one category in this blog!!!
or something like that :)
6 edb Dec 13, 2006 22:54
The text above the categories selection area says "...optionally check...", but doesn't the note below the area say that it is currently disabled? Also doesn't it not allow when you set the parameter to 0?
Anyway this is a good thing to clean up because I can see where a blogger might try to follow the first description then tell the admin "your categories don't work correctly because ... ". You can look in the inc/MODEL/items/_item.funcs.php file for the cat_select function and change the text there. Also for my 1.8.6 installation I see where $display_info must be true before that text is even shown, so if someone knows how to make that be false (with a setting in the back office) then you would be able to not display anything there. That might be a better option than hacking a core file eh?
in the file conf/_admin.php
second or 3rd setting