2 yabba Dec 15, 2006 14:27

I just reported something successfully, so it was either a momentary glitch or your new host doesn't like opening f socks. Whatever that means.
I'll move this to the antispam forum.
After a fair amount of investigating, it seems a setting in SELinux was causing the problem. After making a change, all works well.
I am still having the problem - have ask for help here several times. My hosting company says it is not on thier end. I have multiple blogs with the same issue.
Are you able to get the latest antispam update from central's server?
Same problem here. And, i can get the antispam update without problem
* Date de dernière mise à jour: 2007-12-02 03:39:25
* Demande de la liste noire à antispam.b2evolution.net...
* Ajout de chaines à la liste noire locale:
* Ajout de: «.edgeaxe.in»: Non nécessaire! (Déjà pris en charge)
* Nouvelle date de dernière mise à jour: 2007-12-02 03:39:25* Réponse: [Array] [20071202T03:39:25]
* Ok.Ajouter
PS : looks empty, I got the updates this morning
That error appears to be caused by "unable to connect" and "no response" failures. It might be worth checking if your new host allows fsockopen.
It could also just be a glitch with the antispam server, it's often working under a very heavy load.