1 mademoiselle Dec 15, 2006 22:03
3 mademoiselle Dec 15, 2006 22:17
can I simply delete the files in the directory "plugin"? or do I have to change some of the .php-files?
4 edb Dec 15, 2006 22:32
Deleting them does the job. Personally I keep them in my local copy so I have them just in case I change my mind, but that's up to you.
Another thing you could do is create a folder called "plugins_unused" and move the ones you don't want over there. This way your local copy can match your server copy, and the plugins you don't want would not be seen by b2evolution.
5 mademoiselle Dec 15, 2006 22:47
thank you. :) I will try this as soon as I have the time for another installation. (well, uploading and deleting always require most of the time....)
at the moment version 1.6 alpha (it was just a test) seems to work..
okay. i've tried it. but b2evo (>1.6) still does not want to work....
6 laygnuk Feb 21, 2007 12:51
I'm using latest 1.9.2 "Kyoto" version, and since some time
i keep having blank screen when i wan't to edit a post, or loggin
in admin section : http://www.buzzworkers.com/blog/admin.php?blog=1
there is no error, everything seem to be fine..
is it possible that i have too many plugins installed and
this is causing the admin blog to not load ?
i hope someone can help me with this
since i can't log into my admin section now :(
thanks in advance !
7 edb Feb 21, 2007 13:11
If you have actually installed the plugins and are using them then deleting un-needed ones won't help. blueyed always recommends increasing the memory limit but I don't know how to do that.
Yes - you get no error message of any kind. Just a blank page.
Anway search the forums for words like "blank screen" or "increase memory" with 'blueyed' as the author. A couple of times he's explained how to do it.
A work-around answer SEEMS TO BE that you can simply delete from your server the plugins you're not interested in using. I'm not sure why it works, but - as far as I know - it'll reduce the required memory.