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1 Dec 16, 2006 02:03    

What code do I have to put down in order for the post front page of my blog only show part of the post so visitors have to read entire post on it's own page... anyone could help? appreciated!


2 Dec 16, 2006 02:09

As you type your post you decide how much is 'enough' for the front page, then click the !M button. It will add to your post "<!-- More -->" (or something like that), and you continue writing your post. The code inserted by !M will turn into a "read more" link when someone sees the blog.

3 Dec 16, 2006 06:56

EdB wrote:

As you type your post you decide how much is 'enough' for the front page, then click the !M button. It will add to your post "<!-- More -->" (or something like that), and you continue writing your post. The code inserted by !M will turn into a "read more" link when someone sees the blog.

Thank you sir!
Is there anywhere I can find the definition of all those tags?

4 Dec 16, 2006 09:34

One would think so but I don't know where it might be. seems like the place it should be, but I didn't find one there. Most of them are fairly obvious and some of them depend on your skin's style sheet, but let's see what we got...

ins is for insert and it does a different color. del is for delete and it does a light gray with a line through it. str is for strong which is bold. em is for emphasize which is italic which doesn't make sense to me but it is what it is. code is a div block that does monotype font and maybe a different text size. p is for p tags which you can have by return return if your auto-P renderer is on. ul and ol and li are for ordered and unordered lists and aren't the friendliest to work with imho. block is for blockquote div that will do like an indent and a different color font or background or something. img is for an image tag with the href and alt text and title attributes but not width and height. link is for linking a URL but it doesn't automagically have a title attribute which is a bummer. pre is for prehistoric and if you click it dinosaurs will wake up and destroy a small city so I never click it. I have no idea what pre is for in other words. !M you know is for "read more" so people have to click to read the rest. !NT is for No Teaser and gets used right after !M if you want the first bit to not be repeated when the person clicks through the "read more" link. !NP gets used as many times as you want to make the post be multiple pages instead of just a teaser out there and the whole thing on the permalink page. X I think closes open tags that a button opened but I'm not really sure.

Actually now I know where I saw a guide! The default posts you get upon installation showed most of this stuff.

5 Dec 17, 2006 01:35

EdB wrote:

One would think so but I don't know where it might be. seems like the place it should be, but I didn't find one there. Most of them are fairly obvious and some of them depend on your skin's style sheet, but let's see what we got...

ins is for insert and it does a different color. del is for delete and it does a light gray with a line through it. str is for strong which is bold. em is for emphasize which is italic which doesn't make sense to me but it is what it is. code is a div block that does monotype font and maybe a different text size. p is for p tags which you can have by return return if your auto-P renderer is on. ul and ol and li are for ordered and unordered lists and aren't the friendliest to work with imho. block is for blockquote div that will do like an indent and a different color font or background or something. img is for an image tag with the href and alt text and title attributes but not width and height. link is for linking a URL but it doesn't automagically have a title attribute which is a bummer. pre is for prehistoric and if you click it dinosaurs will wake up and destroy a small city so I never click it. I have no idea what pre is for in other words. !M you know is for "read more" so people have to click to read the rest. !NT is for No Teaser and gets used right after !M if you want the first bit to not be repeated when the person clicks through the "read more" link. !NP gets used as many times as you want to make the post be multiple pages instead of just a teaser out there and the whole thing on the permalink page. X I think closes open tags that a button opened but I'm not really sure.

Actually now I know where I saw a guide! The default posts you get upon installation showed most of this stuff.

wow... thank you so much!

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