I don't know if you already known this bug, but I saw it when I just install 1.8.6 version.
In _main.php there is this link:
<span class="storyAuthor"><a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'blogurl', 'raw' ) ?>?author=<?php $Item->creator_User->ID() ?>" title="<?php echo T_('Browse all posts by this author') ?>"><?php $Item->creator_User->preferred_name() ?></a></span>
@ <a href="<?php $Item->permanent_url() ?>"><?php $Item->issue_time() ?></a>
This href doesn't work becouse before string "author" there is a simbol "?" and not "&"; you have to replace simbol "?" with simbol "&".
If u want to see, you can see my blog www.openfrog.it
Nice bug! It's actually a bug in the "originalb2" skin, but it's still a bug. I wonder how to fix it - other than using & where it uses ? because that won't work for someone using stub files. Stub files would replace the "index.php?blog=17" part with "stubfilename.php", so in that case ? would be correct.
The dev team watches these forums so I'm sure they'll be interested.
Thanks for reporting!