2 yabba Jan 07, 2007 19:32

Haven't quite got it working yet as it gives the error:
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in _main.php on line 127"
Though looking at your code I can't see where there is an extra one.
Make it be
if( !empty( $disp ) && !empty( $page ) && $disp == 'single' && $page > 1 )
link_pages( '#', '#', 'next please!');
The <?php and ?> inside the if thing are probably the cause of the problem.
No error messages now.
The page numbers disappear from the index page, which is all well and good.
Unfortunately though they disappear / and there's no "next page" style alternative on page 1, no way to get to the second page.
lol, cheers EdB :cookie:
I'm unclear as to exactly what you want, but try changing the code to :-
if( !empty( $disp ) && $disp == 'single' )
link_pages( '#', '#', 'next please!');
Thanks. What I want is very similar to what you've supplied in your last post. But it does have a problem.
This solution doesn't show the whole of page 1, instead it only shows the content before a <more> tag.
crack open skins/<skin name>/_main.php and find a bit of code that looks like this :-
And change it to look like this :-