2 topanga Jan 08, 2007 14:49

I controlled that and saw that on my multiblog.php appears:
#1: disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
display_if_empty(); // Display message if no post
if( isset($MainList) ) while( $Item = $MainList->get_item() )
anchor(); ?>
permanent_link( get_icon('permalink') ); ?>
issue_time(); echo ', ', T_('Categories'), ': '; $Item->categories() ?>
title(); ?>
content(); ?>
feedback_link( 'comments', '', ' • ' ) /* Link to comments */ ?>
feedback_link( 'trackbacks', '', ' • ' ) /* Link to trackbacks */ ?>
feedback_link( 'pingbacks', '', ' • ' ) /* Link to trackbacks */ ?>
trackback_rdf() /* trackback autodiscovery information */ ?>
permanent_link(); ?>
get_by_ID( 3 ); // Blog B
#2: disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
get_item() )
anchor(); ?>
permanent_link( get_icon('permalink') ); ?>
title(); ?>
content( 1, false ); ?>
#3: disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
get_item() )
anchor(); ?>
permanent_link( get_icon('permalink') ); ?>
title(); ?>
content( 1, false ); ?>
powered by
Original page design by François PLANQUE
log(); // log the hit on this page
debug_info(); // output debug info if requested
and on the summary.php
#1: disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
display_if_empty(); // Display message if no post
if( isset($MainList) ) while( $Item = $MainList->get_item() )
anchor(); ?>
permanent_link( get_icon('permalink') ); ?>
issue_time(); echo ', ', T_('Categories'), ': '; $Item->categories() ?>
title(); ?>
content(); ?>
feedback_link( 'comments', '', ' • ' ) /* Link to comments */ ?>
feedback_link( 'trackbacks', '', ' • ' ) /* Link to trackbacks */ ?>
feedback_link( 'pingbacks', '', ' • ' ) /* Link to trackbacks */ ?>
trackback_rdf() /* trackback autodiscovery information */ ?>
permanent_link(); ?>
get_by_ID( 3 ); // Blog B
#2: disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
get_item() )
anchor(); ?>
permanent_link( get_icon('permalink') ); ?>
title(); ?>
content( 1, false ); ?>
#3: disp( 'name', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
get_item() )
anchor(); ?>
permanent_link( get_icon('permalink') ); ?>
title(); ?>
content( 1, false ); ?>
powered by
Original page design by François PLANQUE
log(); // log the hit on this page
debug_info(); // output debug info if requested
and if I look on the file management in my admin panel I got in red that
File management
The user's media directory «media/users/bwerner/» could not be created, because the parent directory is not writable or does not exist.
The blog's media directory «media/blogs/all/» could not be created, because the parent directory is not writable or does not exist.
The blog's media directory «media/blogs/a/» could not be created, because the parent directory is not writable or does not exist.
The blog's media directory «media/blogs/b/» could not be created, because the parent directory is not writable or does not exist.
The blog's media directory «media/blogs/links/» could not be created, because the parent directory is not writable or does not exist.
You don't have access to any root directory.
By looking to the media folder there is nothing in but a index.html,
the same in the blogs and user folders.
I guess that has something to do with the access mod but I don't know how to do that?
Pleeeeeeease help me.
For the media folder issue, chmod the media directory to 777 though in some cases 755 is good enough. Most people seem to need 777 though. You typically will do that using your FTP program, and I think hosts probably provide a way of doing it as well.
Got a link to your blog?
Please don't post entire pages. We've all seen them before, so simply mentioning them by name helps just as much as pasting in the file. Also you should click the "code" button then paste in code then click "code" again so the forums will display it nicely, but that's not going to help you right now.
What will help is a link to your blog and an explanation of what's not working correctly for you. That way we can actually see the issue and possibly find a solution.
Sorry for the long page before, that will not happen again.
The problem which I face is that if I post to blog A should appear also a summary of my post on the main blog (all blog) with a link to the full post.
This is the way it should be, shouldn't it?
But in my case I find two full posts on both blogs.
Since I've installed b2evolution with cpanel fantastic, should the installation be correct.
I can see on all folders regarding the blog the number 755 beside, so I beliefe chmod is already given.
Anyway here is my Url:
If doesn't helps anything could I also uninstall the whole thing and reinstall it again.
Thanks for your valued help
b2evolution does not automatically decide to make a 'preview' of a blog post when it includes it on blog #1, so what you are seeing is normal behaviour. I don't think anyone has asked for that before, but I think it could be done using the summary.php file. I think, which means I could be wrong!
BTW I think many people choose to not use blog #1 for their main display page because of how it works, but it is what it is so ... you decide if you like it or not. You can, if you choose, tell blog #1 to not be included in the public blog list, then select the App setting for default blog to display to a different blog.
The way fantastico installs is not always exactly what you will need. I suggest chmoding the media folder to 777 to enable uploading of files. Also make sure fantastico delete the install folder. For a little while it was not - a gross mistake on their part because you really want that folder to go away after you have a running blog.
Hey you're using the Nescafe skin! I like that one.
Hi EdB,
So do you mean that my blog is working normally?
I thought it were better if blog1 would include a preview of all the post
on my blogs, but if it is in that way like it is, okay don't worry.
I was wondering only for what is blog 1 good if not to display a summary,
or better for what it is good to hav the same post two times on two different blogs, is there a sense?
In the meantime I've changed the media folder permission to 777, but in that way I enable the permission to "read", "write" and "execute" to all, meaning groups, user and "world", isn't that bad?
Yeah, the Nescafe skin is the best in my eyes, also to resemble my main site a little.
Thanks for all your help
hear you soon
Your blog 1 is exactly working like it was designed too..
You have 1 blog with a summary of all the other blogs... so people don't need to scroll trough all the other blogs to see the 'news'..
Yes your blog is working normally. Imagine an installation with 20 different blogs. Would you require that your visitors go to (or subscribe to) each blog to see if something is new? Wouldn't it be easier to aggregate all blogs into one? I use blog #1 as my index.php page figuring exactly that. I also tell people from time to time how they can subscribe to only the part they're interested in.
I don't know much about the 777 thing other than people say "you'll poke your eye out if you 777 a folder" and rarely try to explain the actual security risk. I THINK the risk really amounts to a host with a poor server setup, but I don't understand what would be good and/or bad.
Everything is okay now.
Thanks a lot for your precious help, I'm happy to be
here on this forum.
Notwithstanding, I think I 've found something in Doc to do that what was my idea, maybe its interesting to somebody:
Its like you've said before, you've to change something in the summary page.
Thanks again until the next time :D
That is exactly what your al blog does..
why is it not working for you ?
Have you had a look at the page multiblog.php or summerize.php ?
Those two also show posts to all blogs on 1 page...